I know.... I already have posted something about this image on September 13th, but that time this image was only on pencil and I said I would do it on Acrylics too for sale.

Well..... I did have not time yet for the coloring version of it.  I have been working on other projects and pinups images, but I really wanted to do at least the inking version for this image.

I really like both characters!!!

I guess, it should be nice to share with all of you some pictures I took comparing the pencil and inking version.

I hope you like it.

Now I have Pencil and Ink original art for sale (or.... I may keep one of them for my personal collection).

Check the images below.

I really intended to get this picture showing the pencil version on my easel from this distance so you could see on the left side some drawings from my students (children under 12 years old) and on the right side you can see drawings from some friends ( do you have any idea who did the superman face and the hulk?)

Image 01 => Harley & Poison 11X17 inches pencil on paper finished and ready for posting and sale.
Image 02 => Just a zoom in to show a little better some details on the characters.
Image 03 =>  Zoom in on Harley (Pencil).  I thought it would be nice to show a little more her face and I also liked a lot the render I did on her costume. I used 4B and 6B pencils basically.
Image 04 => Zoom in on Harley (Ink).  I did a different render on inking because it is another media and it was the fourth time (I guess) I was  working on this image, so I decided to do some details differently.
Image 05 and 06 => the same idea for Poison Ivy.

You can notice that basically, from the pencil to the ink version I worked on the hatches on a different way.

Pencil and Ink versions on my easel (just comparing)

Here I have the sketch, pencil and ink version of the same image.... one of the things on traditional work is:  you should work in the same image until you get it better and ready for sale with a "decent" quality.
Just do as many time as necessary if you really want to get your skills improved ;-)

Remember, if you are interested in this original comic art, scroll up and check on the right side of your screen my section ARTS FOR SALE (Comic Art).

Cris Delara.

1 comment:

  1. Trabajos muy estupendos y si tu me lo permite me gustaria hacerlas en 3d, os felicito.

